In this husqvarna riding lawn mower review, many interesting revelations have been made about this incredibly useful lawn mower. One of them is its ability to change speed through the foot pedal hydrostatic operated transmission. Following further it reveals many such of its user-friendly supporting factors.
Husqvarna riding lawn mower

Product brand: Husqvarna
Color: red, black
Material: metal
Power source: gas-powered
Weight: 590 pounds
Cutting width: 48 inches
Other dimensions: manually operated
As you are going through this husqvarna riding lawn mower review, you shall be amazed into knowing that, how much incredible and user-friendly this lawn mower is. More to that, this husqvarna riding lawn mower review further goes on to explain why and what makes it one of the best choices of lawn mowers for the users. The riding lawn mower of this brand surely offers the users premium quality of performance along with delivering the best results. Due to having a very compact size, it makes it very easy and comfortable for the user to maneuver across the lawn while performing its task very smoothly delivering efficient results. More to that, when not in use, this lawn mower requires very less space for storage as well.
This lawn mower comes powered by gas. This is one advantage that the user gets over many other lawn mowers that are operated by battery. Gas-powered lawn mowers not only help the task to be done more efficiently but in addition to that, it performs the task with a much greater power and force. The power of gas-operated lawn mowers turns multiple times more the efficiency of making the engine work. Thus, it always provides for a much better outcome in the end. This updated model of the lawn mower has a much stronger 24 HP force along with a solid metal body that increases its power of endurance many times more too. This quality in this updated model of the lawn mower surely makes it one of the preferred choices of the user over many other lawn mowers.
As this husqvarna riding lawn mower review has already disclosed to you by now, about its power and force, it is sure to fascinate you into knowing that this husqvarna riding lawn mower has been powered by the engines of Briggs & Stratton. The brand itself speaks a lot about its engine as it has been loyally serving so many users for so many years now. Surely the brand of the lawn mower along with the brand of the engine makes it one of the best combinations for the user. This 24-hp Intek V-twin engine makes this lawn mower a great ready-to-start and so it surely achieves a very easy starting as it delivers its direction along with giving a very powerful performance. Having the support of its foot pedal hydrostatic operated transmission, this operative system in the lawn mower allows you into changing the speed of the lawn mower and the direction too. Through the help of this system, you shall be able to keep both your hands on the steering which shall help you to achieve the optimum driving control.
- 24hp Intek V-twin engines
- Foot pedal-operated hydrostatic transmission
- Requires less space for storage
- None
What’s New?
This lawn mower comes having a greater dimension in cruise control. With the help of this control, it allows the tractor into having maintained a consistent degree of speed even while performing the operations of mowing across the rough terrains. With the help of having the support of its electric cutting deck engagement, it allows the user into turning the deck of the mower just by pulling a switch that appears on the control panel to tight 16 in. With the help of this, you shall be able to turn the radius of this lawn mower which shall enable you into mowing in tighter spaces, and also in addition to that you shall be able to navigate around obstacles much easier. Having the advantage of its 48 inches cutting width with its triple-blade system, it helps into reinforced cutting deck along with having the facilities of the air induction mowing technology with the support of the 4 anti-scalp wheels.
Why should you buy it?
Undoubtedly, this lawn mower has been one of the preferred choices of the users for being providing him the assistance of some great features such as the fender-mounted height adjustment cutting. It helps to work over the tougher areas of the lawn more easily in order to give the maximum comfort to the user, the makers of this lawn mower have provided with an adjustable seat and the support of having an ergonomic steering wheel that helps to make these tractors very simple and much easier to operate. These tractors have also been given the advantage of hydrostatic transmission modes in achieving the smooth, variable forward and also the reverse speed. The system of improved airflow within the deck gets a new boost with its air induction mowing technology. This ensures that the user may be able to achieve a clean and consistent cut each time he makes use of this lawn mower. In order to add more versatility to this lawn mower, all the models of lawn mowers under this brand can also be equipped having a range of two-able accessories and also the mulch kit so that they are able to achieve the advantage of having effective lawn fertilization. These lawn mowers have the ability of oil and filter maintenance along with hydraulic drive system adjustments. These systems bring in within the easy reach of the user to operate the lawn mower up to its full potential just with the help of a few quick adjustments while sitting at his operator’s seat. The presence of rubber isolators in it helps to separate the user from the frame so that he endures a lesser amount of fatigue. Indeed, these are some of the few things that make this lawn mower a very much preferred choice of the users.